Pricing Plans
Graphic Design
per project starting rate.
Digital Print-Ready Ads
Business Card Design
Brochure Design
Programs & Reports
Branding Development
Social Platform Setup
per Social Media channel.
Profile & Cover Art Design
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
About Page Setup
Social Media Strategy
per campaign
Profile & Cover Art Design
Develop a Content Strategy
Design 4 Digital Ads
Business Analytics Integration
Create 2 Video Reels
Comprehensive Marketing Campaign
per 2 month campaign.
Develop a Content Strategy
Regularly Scheduled Posts
Design & Write Content
Digital Art, Articles, and Video Reals.
Business Analytics Integration
Let's get started!Β
Once your payment is made, submit details and any relevant information about the project.
We will contact you as soon as possible to get more detailed information.Β
We look forward to working with you!
Positive Image USA, LLC. | PO Box 11233, Carson, CA 90749 | Email Us